
1-) Quality Policy

To satisfy the expectations of our customers, employees and suppliers with our customer-oriented and constant development management manners, and to create new job opportunities and employment.

2-) Environmental, Energy and Water Policy

-To fulfill all our legal and other obligations related to environment and energy,
-To manage waste resulting from our activities in accordance with the principles of zero waste and waste management hierarchy.
-To adhere to national and international emission targets in the fight against climate change and contribute value to a low carbon economy,
-To optimize energy usage and transition towards renewable energy,
-To work towards reducing natural resource consumption, monitoring and controlling our greenhouse gas emissions,
-To collaborate with our internal and external stakeholders to increase environmental awareness and contribute to the development goals, leaving a clean environment to our society and future generations,
-To establish measurable goals for reducing our environmental impacts and energy consumption, and to continuously improve our environmental and energy management systems based on these goals,
-Monitoring and reporting water consumption,
-To develop projects to reduce water consumption and take necessary measures to prevent water pollution,
-To continue our work in full compliance with the legislation we are subject to regarding water,
-We aim to systematically manage energy consumption and reduce our carbon footprint. In this regard, we commit to implementing and ensuring the continuity of an energy management system that focuses on energy performance and continuous improvement.

3-) Occupational Health and Safety Policy

To create employment at workplaces complying with occupational health and safety standards with the target of “0” occupational accident.

4-)  Laboratory Policy

As quality laboratory workers, our main duties are;

5-) WCM Policy

Our policy is to fit WCM methodology as a culture in the company; to improve and develop competition power of our company systematically by focusing on occupational safety, quality, cost, delivery and environment subjects; and to maintain our production with zero occupational and environmental accidents, zero quality defects and zero loss.

Diversity and Inclusion Policy


Beyçelik Gestamp/Çelikform Gestamp believes that diversity and inclusion are important elements in business life and aims to promote these values. Our company aims to create a work environment where diversity of talent and experience is valued, where all employees are respected regardless of their background and perspective, and where everyone can behave as themselves. In this regard, creating an inclusive company culture is among our main priorities.

The Diversity and Inclusion Policy reflects Beyçelik Gestamp/Çelikform Gestamp's commitment to these values in its workforce. This policy is compatible with the ethical principles and working life standards that apply to all employees and business partners in our company and our affiliates.


Diversity: It is a broad concept that expresses the differences of people. Everything that makes individuals unique is part of the definition of diversity.

Inclusion: A process that leverages the richness of ideas, backgrounds, and perspectives to transform diversity into business value, creating an environment of inclusion, respect, and connection.


Beyçelik Gestamp/Çelikform Gestamp values the differences of the people it works with and offers a work environment where everyone is respected and feels like they belong. Our company is committed to observing equality of opportunity in all its processes; Recruitment, placement, development, training, remuneration and promotion decisions are made based on the employee's qualifications, performance, skills and experience. In this system, where performance and contribution to corporate success are appreciated, cultural diversity and equality of opportunity are encouraged. The presence of employees who have different characteristics and feel that they belong to the organization is essential for the company to achieve its business goals. That's why we strive to attract, develop and retain open-minded talent with diverse backgrounds and experiences.

Beyçelik Gestamp/Çelikform Gestamp aims to create an environment where employees will feel valued and safe, and where they will be free in the field of creativity and innovation.

3.1. Equal Opportunity and Diversity in Recruitment

The basis of our recruitment policy is valuing people and knowledge, objective evaluation and equality of opportunity. We select our employees solely based on their professional competencies and qualifications, regardless of their age, gender, race, color, language, religion, philosophical and political opinion, ethnic origin, economic situation, health status, disability, appearance, life and clothing style, sexual orientation, We recruit and support them to reveal their potential.

We support selection and placement decisions and ensure equality of opportunity through competency and talent-based assessment and evaluation practices.

3.2. Inclusion and Diversity in Education and Career Development

Beyçelik Gestamp/Çelikform Gestamp adopts an inclusive stance in its leadership culture and management approaches. During training and career development processes, we develop and implement programs for all employees to realize their potential by offering them opportunities that suit their needs.

We take into consideration the opinions and suggestions of our employees and support a participatory culture by creating platforms where these suggestions can be expressed.

We invest in training and development and establish collaborations in order to train qualified human resources for the sector. We equip our employees to manage diversity and inclusion.

3.3. Communication Approach

We oppose the use of sexist, racist, discriminatory and stereotype-reinforcing language and behavior in all communication processes. We encourage open, fair and non-violent forms of communication and adopt an egalitarian communication policy.

3.4. Business Partners

In all our relationships with business partners and stakeholders, we take care to cooperate with institutions that are egalitarian and value diversity.

We see diversity and inclusion as an opportunity for development for both the company and society. With this understanding, we convey the principles of diversity and inclusion to our business partners and expect them to comply with these principles. We support our stakeholders to become ambassadors in society on this issue by developing their own good examples.

3.5 Implementation and Enforcement

Our Diversity and Inclusion Policy has been published with the approval of Beyçelik Gestamp General Manager. The policy in question is regularly reviewed by the "Beyçelik Holding Ethics Board", at least once a year, focusing on current requirements and changes in our operating conditions. Necessary updates/revisions are approved by the Beyçelik Gestamp General Manager upon the recommendation of the "Beyçelik Holding Ethics Committee" and come into force. Beyçelik Gestamp General Manager is responsible at the highest level for ensuring compliance with this Policy and regular monitoring of possible violations and suspicious situations within the scope of improvements.

Any employee who believes that there is an inconsistency between the language of the policy and our activities, has questions about this policy, or wishes to report a potential violation of this policy should submit these questions and concerns to his/her immediate superior and/or to Beyçelik Gestamp's People, Technology and Innovation Director and/or It must be submitted in writing to the "Beyçelik Holding Ethics Committee". Notifications of Beyçelik Gestamp employees or third parties to the Ethics Committee are kept confidential. The review and investigation are carried out confidentially and within the framework of the Ethics Committee Working Principles.

Violations of this Policy are subject to various disciplinary sanctions, which may, if necessary, lead to employees being asked to leave their jobs. Disciplinary sanctions will also be applied to those who approve of inappropriate behavior or who have knowledge about it but fail to make the necessary notification.

Our Diversity and Inclusion Policy is publicly available to all our stakeholders through our corporate website, as well as to all our employees via our corporate intranet site/QDMS.

Click here to view all our policies.

TSE 45001 Q1 TUV NORD IATF 16949
Çelikform Gestamp Automotive Inc. WCM its production scope.
Işıktepe Organize Sanayi Bölgesi Kırmızı Cadde. No:1 Nilüfer / BURSA / TÜRKİYE

Çelikform Gestamp Otomotiv A.Ş.

Faik Çelik Holding    Gestamp

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